The School Council is a legally constituted body that:
The School Council works in partnership with the Principal in setting the goals and priorities of the school’s Strategic Plan. They usually meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm.
Sub-Committee meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of each month:
Elections for School Council are usually held in March each year. Council members are elected for a two year term with half the council being elected each year. Parent representatives must be parents/guardians of currently enrolled students. Where a parent is employed in any state operated school, they may stand within the parent category as a “DET Parent” but the number of these representatives reduces the number of other parents. Staff from the school are elected within their own category as DET employees. Community members with special expertise may also be coopted to the Council.
The Principal is the Executive Officer of the School Council. Serving members may stand for re-election at the expiration of their term provided their child is still enrolled at the school at the time of the election.
The School Council may consist of up to 15 members, which includes 8 parents, 5 DET (including the Principal as Executive Officer) and 2 community members. The current Dunkeld Consolidated School Councillors are:
Executive Officer:
Brad Smallman, Principal
Rachel Blackwell
Vice President:
Ben Parkinson
Terrie Nicholson
Committee Members:
Anne Gilbert
Sarah Alderman
Holly Herrmann
Jackie Mibus
Kate Wickens
Lachy Patterson
Paul Phillips